Christmas Gifts for Nerdy Girls

image by ChristmasStockImages

Besides books (because who can have too many books??) here's some suggestions of what the Nerdy Girls on your list might also like for Christmas.

1. pads of paper (sticky notes etc) you can never have enough

2. a calendar featuring female literary heroines like Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf

3. A gift card to Chapters/Indigo or any other bookstore nach

4. piles of magazines

5. a trendy scarf so we can pretend to be effortlessly cool (in our minds we will look like Jessica Alba)

6. a pen (with the meaning of my name on it or inspirational quote please)

7. theatre tickets to a musical - preferrably something eighties inspired like Xanadu or Cry Baby

8. cool stone jewelry - but not vintage because who knows what old spirit might be attatched to it- watched enough "Haunted Collector" to know this!

9. an i-tunes card of course

10. a coffee table book about crop circles.

Okay, so you guessed it - this is really my Christmas list. But a girl can dream can't she? What's on your Christmas list?


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